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Old 10-27-2009, 01:00 AM
Colt-556 Colt-556 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 640
Again, as I said recently, I'll even put it in a format you may enjoy. Tolerance != Acceptance. Just because myself and everyone else tolerates it and continues to play does NOT mean it should stay. It serves zero purpose, and only pisses people off. Even if we're tolerating it, and will continue to tolerate it (because we enjoy the game as a whole, and one bull****, broken feature wont drive us away) doesn't mean the devs should just let us suffer until the fix is ready. ESPECIALLY when we have no idea when it'll be fixed. Rubberbanding has been like this for two weeks, how much longer? Another two weeks? A month? Longer? Just remove it so we can actually play without getting frustrated every few minutes, not like any harm can be done in it's absence.