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Old 04-02-2007, 03:47 PM
Smusatto Smusatto is offline
Former Community Manager
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Posts: 926
Originally Posted by Jani_Leitquenen View Post
Not wanna sound like I´m critizising you, Smusatto, but it´s stuff like this that people don´t take kindly to, even when said with the best of intentions. Instead of a remark that may have a rather sarcastic tone (hard to convey on text), something along the lines of: "While I see your point, I disagree with your oppinion" sounds much more professional and calm than "lol are you kidding? Late April Fool´s", simply because that sounds like you´re patronizing the poster for having an oppinion (as misguided as that oppinion may be).

I emphasize this because I think it´s a good example of why people may perceive that unfriendliness coming from the mods. Dealing with the public isn´t easy, I´ve had to do that in the past, and I know it all to well, but sometimes, you gotta bite your tongue and hold back that witty answer, and try to just be as neutral as possible, for the best of the team.
Originally Posted by ioiny View Post
You are so f****** unproffesional it's a f****** joke, hope you can see that now.

This is a thread where ramsey ask people what they think is wrong here and want the community too help.
You can't f****** strike em down then can you when they are saying thiere opinon. Listen to it, consider it and swallow your bollox, instead of making your thought the greatest.

f****** hell man. two seriously need to lighten up. Ioiny was clearly complimenting the competition. Am I not allowed to poke fun at him for that? He's saying a forum post impressed him. I'm not allowed to point out how absurd that sounds? If any of you actually followed my posts here over the last 5 to 6 months, you'd see I'm more than respectful to most everyone's opinions. When somebody comes here and starts brown nosing ANH over some forum post, I'm going to find that funny and poke fun at them for it. If that genuinely bothers you, I think you need to calm down and not take everything so seriously.

Hate to break it to you guys, but I'm not always going to come off as "professional." Want to know why? I'm not a professional. I don't get paid to mod these forums. I don't expect to be paid for it either. I do this in my spare time. If I want to be sarcastic when responding to someone ignorant enough to come here and brown nose ANH, I'm going to do it. I highly doubt anyone on the team cares how we respond to people who come here brown nosing ANH. If anything, they'd think I went easy on him.

Please don't misunderstand me. I'm not trying to be "unfriendly" to Ioiny for his comments. I just thought they were rather absurd and I had to ask if it was a late April Fool's joke. I wouldn't be surprised in the least bit if it was. Unfortunately, it sounds like it wasn't.

Last edited by PhantomLeader; 04-02-2007 at 08:52 PM. Reason: Sorry Smu, but please don't quote crap like that :)