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Old 04-02-2007, 07:34 PM
goldcrud goldcrud is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 631
Originally Posted by akow View Post
Are you joking or what? i come here and read whats going on,because i know if ask something not only with other people flame me,but the devs will too..bash the hell out of you more than and reg. poster here will..GEESH you have some balls saying that about us..most are in fear of saying anything cause your dam mods will ban the hell out of them for dumb things...
and yes i know i stand a good chance at getting banned,because i'm bashing a dev of sorts...

but i'm sick and tired of all the b.s from yall..
when yall want to grow up some, I might be back..but then again...**** this..all i see is problems left and right.. devs getting pushed out ,devs ripping off money that was gving to them to help with this project.. I see nothing ever coming out of this..CAUSE OF PISS POOR LEADERSHIP OF IT,and the blaming of everyone else but yall for problems with it...GROW UP PEOPLE!remeber no one ask anyone to do this,this is something people got to gether to do for the love of the game..i guess you forgot about that,and the devs are on a god trip...

nOW go ahead and flame me Mr.nubs ROFL
Well I'm gonna have to say the Devs are a lot better than they use to be. I haven't seen them ban anyone in a long time myself and I try to visit the forums a couple times a week. Umm Ramsey isn't really a Dev of Sorts he is a Dev here at SWGEMU if it wasn't for him we would be a lot further behind. Also if I were the devs here I would ban everyone who talks crap about me its their forums why shouldn't they be able to do what they want. But really I'd have to say they are really restraining themselfs it'd be nice if people could restrain themselfs too.