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Old 11-16-2009, 01:02 PM
Uli Uli is offline
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Originally Posted by learningdisease View Post
Its a statement about what the Client Development team will and will not be able to do with the restrictions from the SOE EULA. Its only about those who will be on the SWGEmu Staff actively working on "new" content, so its not that 'you'(as in, various community members) aren't allowed to make those modifications, its that SWGEmu cannot, for various reasons, endorse or distribute those types of file changes.

I know you have the skills and expertise to do a LOT of different things with the client, however its that some of the methods and changes made may violate some clauses in the EULA, and thus cannot be officially supported by our Team.

I hope I can clear up some confusion on this topic, as it ONLY pertains to our specific Client Development Team.
Edit: Non of my methods and changes violated the EULA.
Okay then lets get this sorted then:

* Modifying Models that SOE has made
* Fix bugs in the client
* Increase resolution of the client
* Allow atmospheric flight
* Allow the client to work in 3 dimensions on the ground.
* Changing or replacing the artwork or items already within the client with player customized artwork.
1. Fine (By that mean no need to)
2. Impossible Anyway
3. That can not break the EULA (Note: By Resolution I'm guessing screen size)
4. Does not need client modification at all, so that should not be on the list (I do not want to "name drop")
5. Impossible Anyway
6. Adding new textures should be fine if you redirect the shaders i suppose.

So why are
3. 4. and 6. on the list.
(I would not mind having an exact number/Paragraph to the SOE EULA)
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Last edited by Uli; 11-16-2009 at 02:21 PM.