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Old 04-02-2007, 10:22 PM
deity_shadow deity_shadow is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 3
I've been here for a few weeks now, and have to say generally people are pretty helpful. I've been flamed on once about something when installing the game (hey man not my fault, no where in the guide does it say to put the file checker in the swg main folder i just put it in my debug desktop folder) but generally if you follow the guidelines in the IRC then you won't get flamed I mean that's why there is test swgemusetup and swgemu each for their own purpose, and normally if someone asks something not related to their current channel they are directed to the right one. I have seen some people get seriously flamed, but it's becoming a rarity.

And as far as progress I think they've done and incredible job. I mean even on the original pre cu servers if you got more than 300 hundred people in a single cell location like around the spaceport in theed the game would lag bad, I've seen near as many people in a single location in a city on dan' and no lag what so ever. I understand there are no pre-rendered npc and player items to slow down the server but still it says very little for SOE when a handful of guys with little to no financial backing can backwards engineer their product and then make it run smoother than they could.

Scripted NPC would be nice, the only thing I felt it really lacked were more npc drived quest, only terminal. It would flesh a lot out for scripted quest and actualy item quest rewards instead of just creds, especially in the beginning when crafters havent established themselves. On to crafting, I hear you guys have that pretty much down pat, just working on algebra scripts. I would agree to maybe specified volunteer work groups. Say a group commissioned for finding animations, and another group testing inconsistancy travel bugs and so on so forth. And an IRC channel for those specific things with a written guideline for being in that group to cut down on clutter, unnecessary talking and flaming, as well accomplishing an objective in an entertaining way while making the community feel as if they really are a part of its developement
My masters only mistake was sleeping, I never will.

Last edited by deity_shadow; 04-03-2007 at 12:08 AM.