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Old 11-16-2009, 02:21 PM
Uli Uli is offline
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Originally Posted by Serpentkaa View Post

This is the SWGEmu general definition worded in laymens terms of how our team will handle client modifications and what they wish to responsible for. We might in the future choose to review modifications and developments on a case by case basis to determine if they are allowed on the nextwork at some future time. At this point in time, we have taken a conservative stance and made these decisions to protect this community and game.

This seems to be turning into some sort of discussion about what we can or can't do, what is possible or impossible, should we or shouldn't we. I am not understanding your point in this conversation.

Again, this was a general statement written so most of our community can relate without speaking code-ese, digging through legal issues and whatnot. This statement was not meant to be a technical discussion of why or why not this policy fits the EULA. While I respect your considerable skill and the points you are bringing up, I think you are starting to create confusion again about what is allowed and what is not.

Please clarify what you are wanting out of this discussion.
At first i was confused about the list.

LD Stated the list was made from using the SOE EULA saying What is not possible/Allowed for them to do.

I was just asking why those points (3. 4. and 6.) were against the EULA

Edit: The Impossible Stuff was outlining what was Impossible so there is no point in adding that rule (If you understand what I mean)
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Last edited by Uli; 11-16-2009 at 03:56 PM.