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Old 12-02-2009, 04:38 PM
Labyrinth Labyrinth is offline
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Originally Posted by Serpentkaa View Post
Also, the OR revision has slowed down over the last week due to the holidays and several staffers dealing with finals, moving, completing projects for school, family, increased RL work, etc. Additionally, there are not quantifiable milestones pertaining to code at this time. Many of us would look for "fixed saberblock" as something we could relate to as far as code progress goes. It is my understanding, which might be incomplete, that at this point, they would have to translate what they are doing from a language most of us do not speak (i.e. ManagedObjectImplementation::initialize...); that the work is on sections of code that underlay the actual profession implementation code and not specifically something that the average forum user can relate to. I would look for more round table discussions after the new year.
It feels like I'll just sound redundant now that you've clarified (), but I know a bit about coding and I'm learning a lot more as part of my career, so I'd like to put emphasis on coding being difficult to put into "layman's terms"; this is especially true if the coding is incomplete or, using the idea of your example, "saberblock" has not actually been fixed yet but is being worked on. In such a case, there would be even less to say unless the audience knew how coding worked and what it meant.