Originally Posted by nisty
Cantina In-Game Macros
It is becoming hard for ATK players to speak in spatial in the cantinas due to AFK macros spamming spatial. Spamming is against the Player Rules for TC. Please keep all AFK spam emotes and repeated macro lines to 5 minute intervals or longer. This makes the minimum pause at 300. There isn't a real need to make announcements, solicit tips or make random emotes more than once every 5 minutes if you are not ATK. Entertainer buffers can deliver their instructions via groupchat in their macro. All AFK spammers will find themselves with a one-way trip to southern Lok and repeat offenders will be introduced to firmer measures.
i completly support this....however i got 2 ingame emails (from one person)about a macro i was running on my entertainer...
/pause 0.25;
/say listen to me to heal your battle fatigue  ;
/pause 300;
/state action heals are most welcome;
/pause 390;
/macro spam;
now i wasnt really sure how to reply and havent afl'd this toon since i dont wanna get moved to southern lok(atleast not on this toon), and i also dont wanna get hit with a banbat
im more curious i guess at what exactly is and isnt acceptable
I'm no GM, so obviously you'll want an "official" take as well, but I don't see anything wrong with your macro, per the rules. It sounds like said person is overzealous if they're telling you that your macro is against the rules.