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Old 04-26-2010, 03:38 AM
wildkan wildkan is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 1
for those who i aim at

ok this is my oppinion on the controverse matter wich is a server wipe just before OR.
There are two types of ppl talking here..well 3 but the third grp does not apply to what im about to say.

1st- u have your NO grp- they rely on several issues BUT the one they most tresure, wich is loosing either jedi/imba market magnat/imba weapon these guys try to threat DEVS by the sheer prospect of loosing 40% of their "customers" wich in my math 1000 players i seen logging, im glad 400 of you nabs are gone, other salvage boat the NO ppl have is the OR, claiming its not worth it before the OR itself happens, and this NO grp list goes on and on...honestly i have no sympathy for ppl that deflect their true motives almost randomly to achiev their own goals, and i have NO patience to pretend otherwise

2nd- the YES grp - well the pool says for it self these will sacrifice everything they achieved, ither little or much in order to come to a balanced gameplay wich does not happen as im typing this post
I myself im not a hypocrit for i achieved much in the 1 month im playing but the prospective of having a temporary balance is good enough for me.

3rd grp- simply ppl that dont care

oh and by the way im not of english speaking contry so bear with me,in fact if u could speak my language as well i can speak yours, you should be most pleased

RESET SERVER for it is a test server and as the name indicates ITS FOR TESTING, not threatning devs with possible(and unlikely) repercussions of a server reset..more good will come than harm that im sure.

thx for reading

Last edited by wildkan; 04-26-2010 at 10:57 AM.