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Old 04-26-2010, 06:39 AM
MiniMe MiniMe is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Las Vegas, NV or HELLHOLE USA as i call it. Originally from Washington state.
Posts: 162
Originally Posted by badboy09 View Post

Blue frogs are a good idea for many reasons, would let people try out many of the professions, would make the server go PVP crazy, would still allow people to craft and grind if they choose to.
YUCK! I just visited OOSWG server where there are blue frogs and it sux eggs! After just 3 hours of clicking "XP for Training" I mastered 2 prof's and had major carpal tunnel! NO WAY TO FROGS!

Geez you gone mental!? Make a game too easy and it's no fun at all. If you're handed everything at a click of a mouse, you will grow bored faster and there is no feelings of accomplishment as there IS no accomplishment!

FYI to whomever could not spell colleague: The word you used to mean Colleague is not spelled "Colleges". A College is an institution you go to in order to learn how to spell, whereas a Colleague is spelled:

1. col·league Pronounced[kol-eeg]
Meaning: an associate.

Related Words for : colleague
co-worker, fellow worker, workfellow, confrere, fellow.