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Old 04-27-2010, 04:26 PM
Jengu-fet Jengu-fet is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Australia
Posts: 72
Originally Posted by safak View Post
and thats just what i caught at the tail end. the numbers were going in ways that really isn't possible most of the day which is why i started watching it at the end. it would get 200 votes and remain steady, then 30 and the percentage would change bulks of votes at a time were obviously used more than once.
Originally Posted by Lamune View Post
(Amusingly, did anyone else notice all the people voting 'no' insisting it was unfair to end the poll suddenly and how it had to run the full time, but were completely ready to close the thing as a "victory" the second the results dropped below 66%- thus closing off any additional votes? )
There is a possibility that one of the devs/mods tampered with the votes and another member of the team found out. This would explain the fluctuating % during the day and staying around 66%. It would also explain why the poll was closed + deleted (or moved to private forum) so suddenly when they previously said it would be up for 1-2 weeks.

Also this,
Originally Posted by Spun View Post
Kyle still hasn't denied urging people in IRC to create accounts and vote NO, lol. I guess it's true.

Last edited by Jengu-fet; 04-27-2010 at 04:31 PM.