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Old 04-27-2010, 08:13 PM
Ekowraith Ekowraith is offline
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Originally Posted by Kraschman View Post
And here's what you're not getting...

We have no evidence whatsoever what percentage of yes votes or no votes out of the total were duped. Could be a small percentage, could be much closer to 100%. We have no solid numbers, except for probable fraud on one or both sides. Unless you have solid evidence as to the veracity of any of the numbers, not just the last few minutes of the vote, then the vote is suspect in its entirety.

Chuck it until you get solid numbers, simple.

Your continued harping on the 15% seems to imply that you assume the rest of the votes were legit. Of that we have no proof.
With more than one hundred pages of active discussion on this issue between the two threads makes it abundantly clear that community involvement was high and that an overwhelming majority of the votes came from distinct individuals. You not only have the burden of proving these accusations of fraudulence, but you also have to explain why vote padding might have occurred unequally.