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Old 04-27-2010, 08:31 PM
Shadow2k Shadow2k is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 65
I think the Devs should shut TC down for a month. I think too many people are taking this project for granted at this time. Teach them a valuable lesson, let their cries fall on deaf ears for a month while you guys take a break. Seriously. I want to play as much as anyone, but this is just ridiculous.

You guys cried for a wipe due to the economy of a Test Center. The economy of a Test Center! Wow, that's brilliant.

I really don't care if they wipe it or not. At this point I hope they do just to shut you all up. But I hope they shut it down for a month first, just to prove a point. That it is not your right to determine what goes on with their project.

They asked for your feedback, you acted like little brats. Much like is happening now. No wonder they don't want to listen to you, who could blame them?