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Old 04-27-2010, 09:59 PM
Sabbathicus Sabbathicus is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Mexico
Posts: 93
Originally Posted by Whiskey37 View Post
Look, the opportunity cost to me is no ****ing blue frogs, which would have increased my enjoyability with this game. My christmas gift was promised and then denied because the givers became sensitive to their purchasing power. Shows a complete lack of complex thinking on their part just narrow-minded selfishness.

Speaking of narrow minded selfishness.

I was so relieved when blue frogs were taken off the test server. Putting them back in would ruin the game for me. I know they will most likely be back in for quite some time when the OR hits, but putting them in now would be a real downer for me, and yes I know it was gonna be two proffs and just for two weeks. It still would have greatly reduced my enjoyment of the game.
My Morrowind, Oblivion, and Fallout3 mods

"We probably improved the chicken's quality of life. It got to be in a movie, got to have sex and then we ate it ... I don't have a problem if they test cosmetics on animals. Eyeliner has been important in my life. If 10 chickens have to die to make one drag queen happier, so be it!"

- John Waters