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Old 04-27-2010, 10:09 PM
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odwill odwill is offline
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Originally Posted by Whiskey37 View Post
Putting in hours doesn't address the fact that many people wanted the wipe and you refused. People asked why? You tell them their "ignorant jerks".It's classic confirmation bias, you didn't get it so you pulled rank and said the same bull**** here. You attack the man not the argument. Boo-****ing-hoo. If it is such a burden to do this, then stop. Go play the victim in some other drama.

I mean jesus age christ. Grow the **** up. In the real world, people don't give a **** how LONG something takes--because their time is just as valuable.

I only mentioned the time to refute the assumption that we never wanted the wipe to happen in the first place. Why would we create more work for ourselves when we could have just sat on TC for the months to come with very little fallout? Please see the forest for the trees and take off the blinders. Try using some logic.

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Last edited by odwill; 04-27-2010 at 10:13 PM.