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Old 04-28-2010, 01:51 AM
Mikla Tesla Mikla Tesla is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 24
Originally Posted by Adler1984 View Post
I will say that it makes me chuckle a little seeing this page, and seeing the number of people who originally were saying things like "Wipe it, the devs obviously want to" and etc... are complaining now and the number of people talking about quitting now that they have said no wipe are saddening. Last time I looked the vote poll wasn't "Yes, and give me blue frogs or I QUIT!".

I'm not a forum mod, none of us are but the mods. If they put up the vote with the intention of it being a fair vote and creating a good discussion, then saw that it was in any way becoming one that was questionable (BOTH the YES and NO sides made accusations of tampering, proxy clicking, etc..), and saw the level of division it was creating in the community, I can't blame them for taking it down.

What they did was in NO way the same as what SOE did or does. SOE didn't run a serious poll that was aimed at letting the players dictate what would happen. SOE didn't consult with players before implementing changes, or tossing out the CU or NGE. All they did was say "this is what's gonna happen, kkthnxbye".

Players should be grateful the developers even considered putting up a poll to let players decide, and should also realize that a forum based poll is a great way to express thoughts and opinions, but not something that should be used to determine the course of the game.

The devs tried it, and it turned into a complete mess. I for one am grateful they tried, but believe the COMMUNITY could've AS A WHOLE handled it a lot better than they did. A lot of people made assumptions of a wipe, and others that there'd be no wipe, and as a result many players did things IN GAME that were geared toward a wipe. This phenomenon is exactly why the developers did the RIGHT thing is saying "ok this is a cluster-bleep, let's end it".

I will remind all of those who screamed "It's a TC, it should be wiped" and "If the Devs want to wipe, then wipe!" that yes, it IS a TC, it IS the Devs call, and if they look at what's happening when they experiment with letting the COMMUNITY become more involved in the decision making process and that spirals out of control... yeah I can't blame them for calling it.

I take this as a learning experience for everyone...including the developers...and now they know that it's a completely BAD idea to try to let "the Community" try to decide the course of the server. So, to that end, I say let's get back to playing, maybe the devs can patch in some of the dupe fixes, and let's move one like they hadn't brought the poll in the first place.

After all, HAD they NEVER put the polls up, we'd ALL be doing the exact same thing today as we were before the polls were up...Grinding away, making creds, talking, chatting, beating each other up in duels, all the while waiting for the OR.
QFE -very well said