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Old 04-28-2010, 08:48 AM
tonkatuff tonkatuff is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Liberty Mo.
Posts: 104
Its really simple.

The blue frogs cause A LOT of issues and do more harm than good. The "final" poll should have had 3-4 options.

Option 1 - I am for a wipe

Option 2 - I am against a wipe

Option 3 - I do not care one way or the other

It should have been explained in further detail.

Option 1

A wipe would be all inclusive. The servers would be brought back up , no blue frogs, with a new but similar jedi unlock system. Loot tables will be fixed to be more like the original version (no lvl 3522 sentinels). Crafters will be useful again.

Option 2

Servers wont be wiped, but we will fix the loot tables, delete all credits and items.

Option 3

No need for explaination.

Sure the above could be worded by a professional, but thats the choices that should be given. No wipe of anything at all = players will slowly quit playing and their goes the testing and community built up. When the OR hits, the community will have little trust because people's word isnt kept.

Thats how I see it playing out if something isnt done, which quite frankly, dont think it will be. Thats the developers progavtive though. Everyone does need to remember that they owe us NOTHING.