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Old 04-28-2010, 09:29 AM
tonkatuff tonkatuff is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Liberty Mo.
Posts: 104
I really think have the nerd raging here is by kids that didnt even play pre-cu swg. Maybe when they were 9-10 years old. Everyone I see is 14-16 years old in game. You can tell by the way they type and carry on. They are here simply playing a free game.

This is going to hurt the people that loved swg pre-cu in the long run. All these people crying and bashing could potentially make the developers say "**** you, go play the nge". Its unlikely, but I know it can make them not want to work on it at all or lose motivation.

If all you whiners want to have to pay $15 for a sub par, ruined game and a **** community (well from the bashing it seems the **** community has arrived here as well), then keep bashing.