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Old 04-30-2010, 11:27 AM
Kainzo Kainzo is offline
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 90
Originally Posted by tonkatuff View Post
Pi, you are a downie. Pure and simple. How in the WORLD could you compare that to this? This is a test center which wont even exist in 4-5 months. The developers are making incredible strides. One of the devs is a roomate of mine. I see his work on the OR constantly. A lot of you don't understand the hours put in to this game... free , non billable, 110% voluntary hours.

Get a grip you damned losers.
My friend's cousin's roommate's brother's sister's son is also part of the dev team, and he says he doesn't know your roommate.

Dear lord man.

Though on a side note, it is kick ass what the developers are doing for the SWG project! Keep it up!
Lord Kainzo - Guild Leader
Radiant Server - Master Bounty Hunter