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Old 08-28-2010, 09:42 AM
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TAfirehawk TAfirehawk is offline
Communications Team Manager
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Florida
Posts: 1,383
Originally Posted by staticstorm View Post
is there any point levelling anymore? Is the wipe happening for sure in september, and does this mean EVERYONE will be starting their toons over from scratch?
The current TC: Nova is and has been just for fun so continue to play until we take it down to put the OR code on it. The OR is definitely going on TC: Nova in September and it is a 100% wipe with absolutely no player data carried over.

Originally Posted by Raghy View Post
what time is the or testing gonna be on in gmt+1 time?
Once the OR code is put on TC: Nova permanently, it will be running all the time for testing (except for outages and updates of course). The temporary OR tests on TC: Nova will not be happening as frequently any more.

Originally Posted by Ghalion View Post
awesome stuff
glad to see some actual progress coming

excited to see housing coming

my roommate wants me to ask
if there is any estimate on when we will start hearing about space and CH and Droid ?
he stopped playing but will come back if space comes on

i stopped for a bit but check in from time to time
waiting on CH droid and housing mostly housing :P

hope all goes well and am in excited anticipation of further updates

may the force be with you
JTL is much, much farther off than CH and DE. As some others have stated, the ground game is the priority and to even guess what year JTL will come to SWGEmu would be foolish.

Originally Posted by Eddy Stylez View Post
I think it would be a good idea to get a general consensus of what the majority of users on would want featured on the SunCrusher server. So that the majority would right away have a good "home" server from the start. This could be done by a vote, and kept active for maybe 1-2 months just to allow everyone enough time to vote. And then the minor majority would have to find an alternate server hosted by an outside party. Just an idea.
The SWGEmu Team will always take into consideration the facts and opinions from the entire community. But obviously we can't do exactly what every player wants The idea for SunCrusher is for the Team to explore their own SWG ideas. Also remember that we are making SWGEmu PreCU v1.00 for all of the community servers, anybody will be able to host their own server as well as customize it to their own liking.

Originally Posted by Bigdog View Post
Was wondering are you guys hoping to have the Loot System completed before the OR is released? or will that be coming sometime after?
Loot is most certainly on our radar as a needed item. We are still putting new things into the OR code as well as fixing code so we can't be specific until TC: Nova is wiped and the OR code loaded.
Communications Team Manager

Former SWG Carbineer Correspondent from pre-CU through the NGE
Iebas Feania on Chilastra Master Architect/Carbineer/Creature Handler

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