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Old 09-06-2010, 08:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Testmule View Post
My bad, you lost me here... But then I'm old and slow. I'm aware of the frogs and understand that for a while we are testing the new system.

My hopes of better resource spawns are/were intended for once the O.R. stabilizes and the initial "wipes" are over. After playing on Nova for close to a year, I noticed that the quallty of resource were far lower than what was available on live. I, for one have never really enjoyed PvP, and always found the hunt for the servers best resources to craft the best part of SWG. After all SWG still has the best crafting system in any MMO.
When the "wipes" are over we'll be very close to version 1.0 release which mean the resources spawn will be like in pre-CU, somtimes good and sometimes bad. I wouldn't be too worried about that, unless you want sweet resources all the time