Thread: Update 07/17/07
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Old 07-19-2007, 12:32 AM
Zephik Raoden Zephik Raoden is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Your mom's house
Posts: 5
Wink OG-SWG immune to death.

Originally Posted by Cordalis View Post
You are all friggin ridiculous...leave the devs alone...

You are so hopeful that this emu will be like it was, it won't, so freakin chill. Listen we all loved the old SWG, and hope that the emu team can come up with an alternative..."YES! i said ALTERNATIVE". it's not going to be the same. I'm sorry children, I don't post often but I read now and then....freaking relax! These guys are doing this as a hobby! SWG is dead...SWGemu may live one day...go do something else, don't latch on to this project and make it your life.

By the way Devs, i'm a realist....and understand that code sifting is hell, coding in general can be quite tough...keep it up. I hope the project pans out.

oh,... /flame on... have fun..
Leave the devs alone? I think you are the one that should chill and leave the devs alone. Negativity is not productive, nor conducive to this environment.
SWGemu is a minute side-note in my life, as well as in my time spent gaming. I have a life (albeit uneventful recently, due to a debilitating illness). I only recently found out about SWGemu while sorting through the mmo forum community to find something that is not lame and/or simple (omgz I'm a noob to emu). While it is really awesome that they are working on the emu, I do not desperately grasp onto their completion of it. Nor do I feel that it is extremely important that SWGemu will evolve into an exact carbon copy of SWG pre-cu. I rejoice in the fact that there are people who care enough about the old days of SWG; that they are willing to spend their free time working on recreating a similar experience. What kind of selfish b4st4rd would demand that they treat this project as a full time job? The fact that they are doing it at all... hobby or not, is fantastic. Go flame somewhere else buddy, SWG will never die because the memories are still alive. Thanks again to the devs and don't let these bored/lonely saps effect you in any way, shape or form. -Zeph

Last edited by Zephik Raoden; 07-19-2007 at 12:34 AM.