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Old 10-03-2007, 04:41 AM
Grud Grud is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 42
Originally Posted by Vasheir View Post
The time that it is taking these guys, I have great expectations for the final result. I've played on WoW Emu's which just plain suck; and that game came out after SWG. Even watching lineage 2 emu's compared to how their supposed to be is, well, forget it.

Keep up the good work DEVs!

There's a big difference between making something that's "functional", and making a game that's truly fun to play. I haven't played any of the other emulators, but I've heard a lot of bad about them. It looks like the SWGEmu team is taking their time, not only because it's a huge undertaking, but because they're doing it right.