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Old 09-13-2010, 07:41 PM
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Elvaron Elvaron is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Tuebingen, Germany
Posts: 156
Originally Posted by studrandbo View Post
ya but the POINTS last for 1 year and 2 years. thats the point. you can never get out from under those points. and they do add up to 5 REALLY FAST. so after your 4 point 3 month suspension, you have to basically be a really good boy for 21 months to avoid the permanent ban on your 5th point. like 6 months later and you make a small mistake and get 1 point and then are BANNED FOR LIFE, as it is your 5th point.
thats what i mean by long expiry dates. you may have forgotten what you did 6 months ago and then you get walloped with permaban on a small infraction.
Well, you know the rules now, just behave by them and you dont get any of those infraction points. Also, the only 4 points rule I see is to try and get someone's account data. Seriously, you want people trying to get into your account get less punished? Serious offense => serious punishment. Back to you.
