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Old 11-22-2007, 06:57 AM
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Ultyma Ultyma is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 165
Originally Posted by Ebena View Post
This is great news to hear indeed. A concern I have though is with the competitive other swg emu project's out there. What exactly is going to stop them now from say downloading the code here and then building on it and then releasing there own claiming credit for all that work?

This may sound stupid as I'm not very suave coder/server-client side coding type of person but I was just thinking someone is going to try and claim credit for all the work you guys did..

We have weighed the good/bad of releasing the code and having other teams claim it as their own. We've come to the conclusion that at this point in the game it doesn't matter.

We did it first. If they do it last, it's because of our work and our research. Just like it has always been.

The only real thing they could take is packet structures. And I'm 100% they have structs for everything already so thats not even an issue in my mind.

The code thats written is essentially useless to any other project because its built so heavily around Engine3.
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