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Old 10-26-2009, 09:49 PM
Colt-556 Colt-556 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 640
Originally Posted by Lobreeze View Post
And I quote Cilraaz

Which you respond with

You spamming afk macros standing in one spot hardly constitutes playing let alone testing.
That response hardly says I don't report bugs, it just points out the flaw of saying a debugger doesn't detect bugs. And afk grinding DOES constitutes as testing, why? Because I'm doing it ingame. ANYTHING done ingame is testing. Every. Single. Little. Thing. is testing, simply because it's done on the server. My afk-grinding could potentially reveal a serious flaw of some sort that'd be picked up by the debugger (or reported by me when I noticed it) which would lead to it getting fixed. The point is, you don't know what bugs are out there waiting to be found, so any action, no matter what, is testing.