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Old 10-27-2009, 12:38 AM
Lobreeze Lobreeze is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 1,764
And even so, the facts are the facts, rubberbanding inhibits testing, it slows down our testing capabilities if it doubles the time necessary to move places.
You're facts are anecdotal and hearsay. I hardly ever rubberband, your internet just sucks.

It doesn't take double the time to do things, again, numbers and stats pulled from thin air.

BTW whining != campaigning. If you have to google '!=' then you can never say another word about anything code based and what is good or not.


Ha google won't even tell you

As for your arguement, I was told the anti-hack was only added because the community whined about speed-hackers, not because the devs themselves really cared.

And there is the big point in the disscussion if you want to call it that the masses cried stop the speed hackers and the dev's did as the masses wanted.

I for one dont find it unplayable but that is me yes sometimes it is annoying to get slingshot 100m one way then 100m another.Though i have found a simple solution to your problem if you find it that bad stop playing.

Take a break come back when the server is live and the bugs glitches and hopefully the exploits are gone.If that isnt good enough for you then i have no idea what to tell you.
Make sure you read that twice, colt.
I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes, or should I?

Last edited by Lobreeze; 10-27-2009 at 12:43 AM.