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Old 10-26-2009, 10:05 PM
Labyrinth Labyrinth is offline
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Originally Posted by Colt-556 View Post
Never said I could do better, nor that I have any control over anything. Does that mean I should just sit quietly as this code wreaks havoc for hundreds of players, including myself? Naw. It's quite clear that this code NEEDS to be removed, and that majority of people want it gone. And as I have said so many times, the servers going to be wiped in the end anyways, so anything obtained by hackers is null and void, as it will all be erased. So removing the broken code, and letting people play and test efficiently is far superior to making us all suffer with this bull**** for god knows how much longer.
What part of "they're working on a better algorithm and are going to try it out, once they finish testing it" don't you understand?