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Old 10-26-2009, 10:30 PM
Labyrinth Labyrinth is offline
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Originally Posted by Lobreeze View Post
Logic be damned. He knows whats best clearly.
I know right.

Originally Posted by Colt-556 View Post
If code is broken, it SHOULD be removed. That's the whole point of testing. However a lot of the Emu functions perfectly fine, so going by that logic the emu should be left up. When something is found to be broken, you remove it, fix it, put it back. It's also a matter of severity. If the bug doesn't harm anyone, or not that much, it'd be easier to just fix it then remove it. However in this case, when HUNDREDS of people (seriously dude, saying it's just me? There's like over a dozen different people in this one thread that hate it, COUNTLESS threads about it, and countless people ingame *****ing about it).

The rubberbanding is hated by almost everyone and I've seen like 3 people actually defend it, where as I've seen like 50 say how much they want it removed. It limits rp, hinders efficiency, pisses everyone off, and all around is detrimental to the testing of this emulator. When something is THAT bad, you remove it. There's simply no justification to leave it up if it's causing so much harm. Take it down, fix it, put it back up.
No, no, you see, if one part of the code is broken, then clearly the whole thing should be taken down. Let's not wait for a fix in an environment that has been proclaimed countless times to be potentially unstable....ok, I'm sorry, I can't keep a straight face on that one.

This is just getting funny now.

Originally Posted by Colt-556 View Post
It's called statistics, friend. If 3 people say "love it", and 50 say "hate it", I wonder which is more preferred?

I mean ****, if you wanna know how hated it is just go ingame and watch people go "****ing rubberbanding" in chat. I mean jesus, I know you're just arguing this point to troll me, but sometimes it scares me knowing that some people actually think it's the minority that hates this.
Sorry but....LOL. First of all, saying "****ing rubberbanding" != "take this out, before the hacker prevention is ready."

I also think it's funny how people throw the word "troll" around like it means anyone who says "I disagree."