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Old 03-30-2007, 06:09 PM
Twisted Twisted is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: New Jersey
Posts: 49
i agree. each time someone posts an OPINION they get flamed. i stopped due to the nasty immuture comments i received from certain few. who wants to read that ..not me. as a community we should all stick together like a brotherhood or what ever you call it. we all are here for the same get back to the real swg.

Originally Posted by EVILJUDE View Post
agreed, to have a successfull community, we all need to learn to, as both ramsey and thadec put it, stop flaming people and help each other out. now, i dont' mean this in the context of spell out each thing when someone asks "how do I setup the EMU" but atleast point them in the right direction. I myself, have spoken to quite a few people on Lowca about the EMU, to see who knows about it, who is coming over to this side of the fence, and I see alot who are worried about the legality of it (even tho I try to explain it), others who are happy with the NGE, and those that who have already are here. some question the ability of it being able to be done (again, I tell them of how much progress has already been made). any one of my other friends who used to play I am no longer in touch with cause they left and I have no other means to get in contact with them. now, as far as the server goes, I have no idea what scriptable NPC's are or what can be done with them, but i have seen good suggestions coming from others like walls and roads for player cities, wanting to be sure battle fields work, wanting to see the possibility of getting jedi of holo or village (or combination of both), not sure if this apartments suggestion is valid but would be very nice to see it be implemented, being able to place items on the balconies of houses that have them (again, these are all suggestions from others, none are my own). I also would like to see the all the mods that never worked or never worked right, be fixed, loot tables to be adjustable, maybe some type of muti level access to the server (like full admin, partial admin, and low admin) so that the server admins can have help, but not have to give full access to everything on the server (like low admin can reset the server, but can't touch anything to do with loot tables). bout all I cna think of now. will post more if this is along the lines you were thinking of.