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Old 04-14-2008, 01:24 PM
Dr Crimson Dr Crimson is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 18
This a change for the better.
Not many people would recognize this and fewer would make the change.

But at least this was not as bad as the Old boards. You had a ban board and would move the rule breakers post and all the Admins Flame. then it was ended with You take 3.
which ment take 3 days of suspension.
To the lurker as myself this is comedy.
but the forum was getting very restless.

So I end with Great job on handling all the past issues and getting this forum up to a great standard.

Dr. Edmond Crimson Buff Doc, Sw, DE, Pistoleer Extrodinaire. Mayor of Crimson City . (Wanderhome)