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Old 04-02-2007, 04:10 AM
Arrin Arrin is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 524
What i would like is for you guys to focus on finishing combat..
making it a little fun so we could possibly hold off and wait while you guys work
what i mean is...
adding stats, character stats, migrating them ETC..
the way they were before
adding proffesions in so everyone is differnt..
adding armor and weapons with differnt stats as well ( doesn't have to be crafting maybe...)

i want to start testing out templates and pvping TRUELY the way it was before
even though that might be hard.. if you broke down really just worked for a week or two, maybe it'd be possible just to get all that in? then we could all wait for a while.

Like someone stated earlier forgot who.. but anyway
we could just have trainer npcs all in a line, training for skills, we could all just get skills there, then run off and pvp
then maybe another npc for clothings/armor/weapons.