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Old 04-05-2007, 04:22 AM
Zaff Zaff is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Dallas
Posts: 87
Originally Posted by Azhar View Post
*** Fenderbean has quit IRC (User has been permanently banned from SWGEMU (no reason))

sounds to me like there was plenty of reasons, Fender. If you read the topic and rules, you would know that you're not supposed to ask about the server in the #swgemu channel.

It only takes 2 seconds to join the #test channel and look at the topic yourself. You don't even have to join the channel either. You could've just typed /topic #test to see.

Your laziness does not make it someone else's fault for your problem.
As far as banning people for breaking the rules goes, I agree. But it says, "permanently banned." I've had plenty of conversations with my wife, when she was moderating IRC for COHemu off and on, and they would just kick people from the channel. They only put an actual ban on them if they were being repeat offenders. And they did/do have problems with most of the same questions we have here.