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Old 03-30-2007, 09:33 AM
cookiec cookiec is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 41
Well.. tbh the reason I aint been posting much is I've been quite busy.. but also. For me anyways precu was sooo long ago... I usualy feel quite stupid when I try to post anything about it cause I was NEVER uber at it... I played it off and on due to lack of prepay cards around us and not having much cash at the time...

I remember quite a bit about it.. but I cant realy offer any perfect advice or idea's seing as almost anyone here knows more about the systems of precu then I do... I knew how to use them but I sure as hell dident study them or pay that much attention to them.. I just played the game and loved every min of it.

I've been coming on the servers every once in a while to take a peek, and I've been there for most of the stress tests and tryed to help where I could.. but I personaly do not like pvp... all it does is anoy me in swg.. so the current server does not realy offer me anything to "enjoy" that makes me want to stay on it for hours or hours....

Any time I've gone on to mess around with pvp like 20 ppl gank me within 5 seconds... not exactly fun for me... :P

But, I can say as soon as there is any sort of skill system to exeriment and test with, any sort of pve to mess around/test with.. any type of crafting, entertaining, resource testing etc... I will be there grinding my ass off trying to help when I can

And yah, I'll try to be a bit more active on the forum too.