Thread: Discussion
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Old 03-31-2007, 12:35 AM
Silent Boba Fett
Posts: n/a
Hmm lets see.

From the beginning the community was told it wasn't about them. It was about you and you wanting to play SWG. Since then numerous good folks have been banned or removed for questioning you. You've had one dev run off with a considerable amount of donation cash. You've driven off some good folks like Anzel. Hired nazis to patrol your forums. And snap at people if they say something in IRC you don't agree with.

Did I miss something?

We have been saying all along you can't treat the general community like **** and expect them to follow behind you.

And I think now you are seeing that.

A lot of folks are here because they want to play SWG again and are just waiting to see if you guys ever deliver. They don't want to talk to you. They really don't want to be part of your community. They just want to play swg again.