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Old 04-14-2007, 02:39 AM
matriX matriX is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: NYC
Posts: 32
Guys, Why do I recommend that once everyone spawns into the server, that they immediatly walk out of where they spawn, and just walk out a few k out from the outpost, this way we can see how realistically stable it could be in the area, and pull in more volume for the test.

On the last legit (announced) stress test, I realised when I was in the outpost with everyone, I was getting disconnected a lot. But as soon as I logged back in after getting disconnected 6-7 times, I walked out about 4k out from the outpost, maybe more. And I wasnt getting disconnected at all, it was working great. My friend clanmate and I fought out there too, and the connection was great, no lag or anything.

And then there was some times where I connnected on the un announced (forum post) for just a small group of people test I suppose, I connected the right time cause there was a nice group of people in the outpost, we were all trying out the Imp and Reb factions, and how we changed to each faction. And at that time, I was getting disconnected very rarely. Was working nice and stable.

Cheers, and gj so far on the Emu. Theres so much more to do! Keep up the good work, really.

Jack "TernimatriX" Furnari
Leader of the Jedi Legion (Tarquinas)