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Old 04-18-2008, 04:38 AM
Maccajnr Maccajnr is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 55
Heightmaps: This is an area that is holding us back in the area of NPC movement and structure placement at the moment. We know a number of ways to implement this, but are searching for an efficient alternative to the methods we already know. Currently, we will be able to generate a huge file with all the z values for every x/y coordinate pair, but the problem we have is being able to manage all that data in a sensible way (save memory, fast request time etc). Educated idea's on how to manage huge heightmaps are welcome.

I'm not undertanding this really well. The client and the character is moving correctly on the map, following the surface correctly for every ups and down. So what prevents the Npcs and structures to follow the same rules?