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Old 09-15-2009, 08:12 AM
Spade13 Spade13 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 74
Well the servers offline again-BUT , and i think thats the main thing, Games is working very good.For sure it need some advantage here and there , but the "overall quality" is absolutly stunning.
And , thats another advantage , the server "online" periods are getting longer and longer.Remember yesterday , we had like 1 hour playing->Offline.
Today i had more than 4 hours to enjoy the Fruits of the hard work of the Devs.
SO-Every Day there is more and more advantage to see , and for this , the Server crashes are a very very small price to "pay".Specialy for us^^

To the Devs: I cant thank you enough dudes, you finaly made it , to reactivate Pre-Cu SWG and much of the Community.You ve done A GOD DAM GOOD JOB!
Thank you very much ^^