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Old 03-30-2007, 08:09 PM
KROM KROM is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 97
Originally Posted by scottyg2 View Post
Most people get flamed because they cant read the faqs/guides, or search things on thier own.

Now seriusly, 90% of these questions are awnsered somewhere, and just looking through all the questions asked, i found an awnser in less than a minute (in most cases)

And when we tell these people to look it up for themselves (becaues not only is the information RIGHT there, it gets them into the habbit of looking instead of asking), they say they are too lazy to look it up. Now, tell me why we should be nice in this scenario.
Don't be nice. Tell them that laziness isn't rewarded here. Give them a link and send them on their way. Don't ban them after they ask the question. When you choose, and it is a choice, to run a community, there is the attached responsibility of nurturing that community. They could code this emu without the community. This was a choice. Live up to your end, I say.