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Old 09-27-2009, 10:17 PM
illipthgore illipthgore is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 134
unfortunatly there seems to be a trend with MMO companys having to re-invent the genre,basicly from the history of MMO games there are a set of solid must haves in any new MMO,auction house type system ingame mail WP updates ect{ and a few others that i cant think of right this miniute},however they focus on a factor that has NEVER kept a game giving to its playersbase, GFX are for the al bundy of gamers they give a 2 min wow and then are forgotten as soon as the fun starts.

Voice acting is a major undertaking in HDD space and a simple little error can mean a download of 2-300 MBs, just ask all the ppl haveing to download big updates everytime they fixed a couple of the dialogues in AOC,it pains me to see a new MMO at this time going for the same thing except supercharged, they claim that all of the voices will be voice acted, not just a few of the main quest NPCs like AOC had.

if they are going to spend soooo much time on this one area of a game what on earth is the actual playing of it going to be like ?