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Old 12-19-2007, 06:08 AM
Ashur Ashur is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Norway Larvik
Posts: 2,600
Originally Posted by Ultyma View Post
It upsets me when people think we get $10,000 a month.

There was a time when we were getting like $200 a month off of the google ads. But then people stopped clicking on them. So that is down to like $10-$30 now.

Donation's to paypal are few and far between. We randomly get $10 here, or $25 there but it's not consistent and that's when we run into the problems with paying for things.

I wish I could say to the team, Hey guys, we got $1000 donations this month, the server is $200 and other costs bring it to like $250. So theres $750 to split between us to go buy some beers.

But I can't say that. Because it doesn't happen.

I would LOVE to get paid for this. But I don't. And neither does anyone else on this dev team.

So to all you people who think we are profiting off of this, go buy a weighted companion cube because its the only friend you will have for the latter part of your adulthood.

Good day and Merry Christmakwanzaka.
so everyone click on the google ads as often as possible!
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