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Old 04-27-2010, 06:23 PM
shilo shilo is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Ottawa, Ontario Canada.
Posts: 232
I really think we just got a glimpse of the future of SWGemu. Unless something is done RIGHT now, than this emulator is doomed. If a decision to wipe can cause the dev team to flip flop back and forth like this, what is going to happen when real decisions have to be made?

If this team lacks the back bone not to be swayed by a vocal minority, than how is it going to survive this thing out to the end?

Is that not what killed SWG?
TC Nova circa: September 13 2009.

TC Nova characters
Shilo Trutta Master Doctor
Quequag Master Rifleman, Master Swordsman, Medic 113x