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Old 04-01-2007, 05:18 AM
Ekaika Ekaika is offline
Retired Community Deputy Director
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Oahu
Posts: 5,073
Good thread Ramz, sorry I haven't been around much. I spent quite a bit of time on the forums leading up to the stress test, and then sort of stopped.

I suppose it was because of a couple things:

After the test, I was up to speed on what's what. I am waiting on the next update.

IRC has been of little use to me except to check status. When I have logged in, there's so much random conversation, and none of it has anything to do with the emu, so I usually don't stay. If I did, I'm sure I'd get some tidbits though.

The community has definitely grown so much since the 1st stress. Lots of new people. I got frustrated trying to help out answering questions over and over. People will never learn. I guess I should be more patient though.

My thoughts to build/improve:

Update the front page with links, giant flashing neon banner with FAQ CLICK ME on it (lol).

A set monthly update would be great. You guys probably don't think it's much worth talking about little things, but giving everyone something to look forward to would keep em coming back. The Q/A thing is great, but once a month is all you need, if that. More than that is a waste of time for you.

I never minded the loose language much (well I flamed Hellaz alot but he's particularly nasty lol) but as the community grows, you're going to get more that the 20-30 something males here. Might want to tone all the foulness down to make it more safe for the masses.

Definitely link server-status to the front page or embed it in the page somewhere. I know you want people on IRC, but you're going to have to move away from that for things to grow eventually.

I had asked a while back to help mod the forums when things were booming. Can't do it anymore, but I think someones idea of a nominated small group of people directed to answer the basic questions and bring more complex ones to you would be helpful. Phantom and Smus and you devs don't have time enough to deal with all of it. No power per se, but just a Community Q/A Rep or something.

That's all I got. Glad to see you're taking a real interest in this. The project itself will attract folks, but to really blow it up you're going to need this type of activity. Good stuff.
