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Old 04-25-2010, 11:37 PM
tonkatuff tonkatuff is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Liberty Mo.
Posts: 104
Its not the duping of credits or items. Its the fact that INSANE items are dropping and its caused imbalance on a TEST server. Most people here that are voting no are saying so because they dont want to lose their precious jedi or there 2k power hammer/T21. Its simply not fun when there is no overt pvp because people get 2 shotted.

It would be a lot more fun if crafters were involved as well. Crafters are pretty useless. So is pvp at all atm. I mean we are supposed to test things. Ive posted about bugs in crafting and what not. I am sure a few have done it too. The major thing being tested right now is how many people can we get to stand around Cnet.