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Old 10-19-2009, 09:02 PM
faceman7381 faceman7381 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Indiana, USA
Posts: 156
Originally Posted by Timbab View Post
That would make sense if they were HACKERS and not SCRIPT KIDDIES.
I am going to post this again because people CAN NOT seem to read what Timbab and a couple of others (Uli etc) have been saying ALL ALONG.

These people in question were NOT HACKERS! They were using a script cheat.

Would it make sense to higher someone who was HACKING the emu to prevent future hacks? YES!

Were these people hacking? NO! They were using a script to cheat!

So, does it make you question some of the staffs' motives......

That is for you to decide. But again, these people WERE NOT hackers!

Again, I commend Timbab and Uli for attempting to point this out and like Timbab has said, for those of us who have been around here awhile, Timbab has stated the TRUTH even when it wasn't popular and risked his status with this project.

If you are flamming Timbab and Uli for stating the TRUTH, (that these are script guys and NOT hackers), then you need to go back and reread this thread.