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Old 12-20-2009, 12:26 PM
merilee merilee is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 8
So, I'm Meri-come-lately, but just to put my two cents in ~ I bought my discs six years ago (in fact, I found the receipt from Walmart in the box!) when I played under the SOE Regime. Not long after that, I moved from Vermont to California and then back again. I knew right where the box was when I learned of the existence of this wonderful group of people and was able to retrieve them in five minutes. I was thrilled beyond measure to get the update SWGEmu provided free of charge and really love the LPE. Now, I know many of you have been playing this for ages and have watched the server grow and I'm sort of just off the shuttle. I was also looking forward to playing last weekend and this weekend when I had blocks of time set aside, but Life happens (and usually at the most inopportune time).

I would like to take the opportunity to thank the staff and developers and volunteers who give of their time, energy, living-space, and wallets to this effort and server for all the tedious work that they do.

I'll check back now and then (probably every hour being the junkie that I am) and count my blessings that this Server is available when it is.
