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Old 04-03-2007, 07:48 PM
Khamal Jolstien Khamal Jolstien is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 20
What I do not understand is why in the hell are we so divided on stuff like this? We're all after the same means, why not work together? So what, some people don't like each other, they'll get over it.

Bottom line is we all dislike the NGE more, so why not work on one project, or at least share notes on some of the stuff.

As for a helpful suggestion.

Why not partner up with an existing server community. If it's the servers getting the money, then do a trade off. The server community lets you use their server for testing, and they get first dibs on participation during the tests.

Everyone wins, and you pull in more community support. I'm sure more than one server would clamor for such an opportunity, and the dev team can simply worry about development, and not about how to afford a server.