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Old 04-21-2010, 08:09 PM
tuckrr tuckrr is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 846
Originally Posted by kookaburra View Post
^^^Agree with that.
We're way past 3 months since the last bi-weekly update.
I mean even the official FAQ says that Suncrusher is expected to be up in the first quarter of 2009.

I think a lot more people (at least ME) would be more comfortable donating more if we knew it was going for more than keeping the server alive one more month on a project that has been abandoned.
posts like this tend to get flamed but i think even the trolls are getting frustrated lol.

Lets face it:
1. the EMU team is hard at work on the OR
2. there havent been any recent breakthroughs or announcements to the community

what does that mean we should do?

Hell if i know, it just means everyone is feeling down...the users, the devs, the mods, the trolls, its just a tough stretch...