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Old 12-18-2007, 10:53 PM
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Ultyma Ultyma is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 165
It upsets me when people think we get $10,000 a month.

There was a time when we were getting like $200 a month off of the google ads. But then people stopped clicking on them. So that is down to like $10-$30 now.

Donation's to paypal are few and far between. We randomly get $10 here, or $25 there but it's not consistent and that's when we run into the problems with paying for things.

I wish I could say to the team, Hey guys, we got $1000 donations this month, the server is $200 and other costs bring it to like $250. So theres $750 to split between us to go buy some beers.

But I can't say that. Because it doesn't happen.

I would LOVE to get paid for this. But I don't. And neither does anyone else on this dev team.

So to all you people who think we are profiting off of this, go buy a weighted companion cube because its the only friend you will have for the latter part of your adulthood.

Good day and Merry Christmakwanzaka.
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