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Old 06-16-2008, 05:47 AM
Gelco Gelco is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 26
I think it is a bit short sighted to say the whole point was to get it to pre-cu, and then I assume leave it.

People will get bored of it. SWG pre-cu was the best version but by no means perfect. ie. Should a bug not be fixed because it was there in pre-cu? Why not have kashyyyk just because it wasnt pre-cu? No, additions are the way forward.

One question though, I dont think it has come up.

What happens with mod's if you play on different servers?
ie. You play on a pure pre-cu server with 0 mod's.
But you also play on a server with every mod going on it.

Will this effect the game in any way? Would it be better to have two installs of swg one for each server?

Personally if I found a server I liked I wouldnt play on another but just a thought.

Dream would be if swgemu released two servers. A normal one and a mod one as "official swgemu servers" that would be great. hehe. (I know plans for a server arent around yet but just dreaming at work).